Sometimes we find a piece of furniture at a thrift store or yard sale, or have a piece we want to update but don’t know how to paint it like a pro.

Sarah Sofia Productions, A Makers’ Studio is making it easy for you this week, thanks to our Paint A Piece DIY kit.

Amy Howard, creator of Amy Howard Home products, founder of A Makers’ Studio, and designer of luxury home furnishings for over 30 years, is also showing you how to make the most of this affordable kit on this week’s Maker Monday.

Materials You’ll Need
The Paint A Piece Maker Monday Kit, which includes:
- Light Antiquing Wax
- Dark Antiquing Wax
- 2” in. wedge brush
- 2 chip brushes
- A Makers’ Studio Furniture Cleaner
- 16oz Rescue Restore Paint (choose your own color!)
How to Paint Your Own Piece of Furniture in 6 Steps
Clean your piece with A Makers’ Studio Furniture Cleaner.
Remove any hardware you do not wish to paint.
Dip your wedge brush in your choice of Rescue Restore Paint, offloading any extra paint on the side of the jar. Apply long, even strokes of the Rescue Restore Paint with your wedge brush. When the first coat is dry, apply a second coat.
When both coats of paint have dried, load a chip brush with Light Antiquing Wax. Make sure to have a piece of cardboard handy so you can offload any excess wax. Then, apply the wax to your piece using light but intentional strokes.
Next, choose the areas you wish to highlight with Dark Antiquing Wax. Using a new, clean chip brush, lightly load your brush with the dark wax and then offload excess. Apply the wax lightly, only highlighting areas you wish to give a darker, aged finish.
Once the wax has dried, buff it with a lint-free rag.
Thanks to the Maker Monday Paint Your Own Piece Kit, it’s easier and more affordable than ever to paint furniture and surfaces in your home.

Check out the Maker Monday video for more great advice from Amy that we didn’t cover here — and tune in next week for more Maker tips!
We’re looking forward to crafting a beautiful life with you!
Creative Workshop Party Services
Be inspired and get creative at one of Sarah Sofia Productions, A Makers’ Studio Party Workshops!
Celebrate your special day, holiday, or girls night out in your own home or workshop venue of your choice! Parties last an hour and a half. All materials and instruction needed to complete art project are included.
We offer Art Workshop parties for adults and kids. Please visit our Services Pages for details. To book your Creative Workshop Party TODAY please e-mail us at
Custom Home, Art, and Wedding/Event/Party Decor
Do you love rescued and restored furniture, art pieces, chalk art menu, custom pillows or a custom tote bag but don’t want to create it yourself? We offer a wide range of custom creative designs for your home, gifts, or wedding/event. Please check out Sarah Sofia Productions, A Makers’ Studio Page for inspiration and to learn more! See something you like that’s not listed in our Etsy Shop? Please e-mail us directly at and we’d love to make you a custom order!
Shop, sign up, be inspired and start creating HERE!
Head to Sarah Sofia Productions, A Makers’ Studio Shop to start creating, purchase gifts or Re+New+All Candles that are handmade by women we’ve rescued and restored from human trafficking. To order you must login and use Dealer Id for Sarah Sofia Productions 813556:
- Rescue Restore Paint
- ChalkArt Paint
- Gel Art Ink
- Reusable Mesh Backed Stencils and Clear Stamps+Subscriptions
- Painting tools
- Waxes & Finishes
- Stains
- Additional Kits and Monthly subscriptions
- Re+New+All Candles + Monthly Candle Subscription
Each Workshop Art Party or product purchase goes back to our mission of Rescue, Restore, Redecorate by supporting the fight against human trafficking.

Sarah Sofia Productions, A Makers’ Studio mission is to help others make with joy, teach with passion, mentor with love, and serve with grace while achieving their highest potential.
Great tutorial Sarah! I absolutely love that first piece. Kudos!
Many thanks Amie for your constant support and kind words! XOXO, Sarah