Halloween countdown continues with Outdoor Halloween Decor Ideas! Now more than every people are looking forward to seeing fun outdoor decor.

I had wanted to get this out earlier, but have been waiting on a few fun decor items to arrive. I’ve decided to go ahead and do the post now so you can get these fun decor items before Halloween!

You’ll notice some familiar Halloween decor from our indoor inspiration that we partnered with Old Time Pottery as well as decor from our Hocus Pocus Halloween Party like the fun witches hat and feet wreath and light up pumpkins.

Every year I add to my Halloween decor collection a few pieces and shop my own home for other pieces. Mixing and matching is what’s it’s all about and restyling pieces.

Guests are greeted with a tombstone and Skelton bones as the walk up the driveway. The first thing you see next is a fun wooden pumpkin sign and light up Skelton hanging by the front steps.

As you step up the front porch you’ll enter a mini haunted house with interactive Halloween decor pieces such as this ghost telephone, moving witches feet, and magic ball.

My favorite new Halloween decor items are these light up witch hats!

I used them in the Hocus Pocus party, which shows how versatile they are for indoor or outdoor use. It comes with the string of lights and different light setting box.

Here are some fun night shots that make it more spooky with the pink and purple string of lights in the front bushes!

The other two items I love that would make this complete, but haven’t arrive yet: Halloween Outdoor Lights Witch Cauldron and these Outdoor Witches.  You can find them below and on Sarah Sofia Productions’ Amazon storefront under Halloween here.
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Happy Halloween my friends!